Romania Long-Stay Visa For Secondment (Marked D/Dt)

A secondment (symbol D/DT) visa is a type of visa that allows skilled third-country nationals who are employed by legal persons with registered offices abroad to work in Romania for a limited period of time. This visa is granted in compliance with the laws in force and is subject to specific requirements.

To obtain a secondment visa, the applicant must first obtain a work permit from the Romanian authorities. The work permit is issued based on the employer's request, and it must contain specific information about the employee's position, salary, duration of the secondment, and the purpose of their stay in Romania.

Once the work permit is obtained, the employee can apply for the secondment visa at the Romanian embassy or consulate in their home country. The application must include various documents, such as a valid passport, a copy of the work permit, and a letter from the employer confirming the details of the secondment.

The duration of a secondment visa is typically limited to the duration of the work permit, with a maximum stay of 12 months. However, it may be possible to apply for an extension of the visa and work permit if the secondment needs to be extended.

It's important to note that the secondment visa does not allow the employee to change employers or take up additional employment while in Romania. The employee must also comply with all Romanian laws and regulations during their stay in the country.

The secondment visa is a useful tool for companies to bring in skilled workers from abroad for specific projects or assignments. It allows for a more streamlined process for obtaining the necessary work permits and visas, making it easier to bring in the talent needed to complete important projects.

What is Romania Long-Stay Visa for Secondment (Marked D/DT)

The long-stay visa for secondment, marked as D/DT, is a type of visa that allows third-country nationals to carry out lucrative activities in Romania for a limited period of time with a beneficiary of the provided services. This visa attests to the third-country nationals right to work in Romania and is granted without the submission of a copy of the authorization of secondment to certain categories.

The long-stay visa for secondment, marked as D/DT, is granted to third-country nationals who are hired by legal persons located in one of the member states of the European Union, the European Economic Area, or the Swiss Confederation and seconded in Romania, provided that they submit the residence permit issued by that state. It is also granted to third-country nationals who are bound to carry out didactic, scientific, or other categories of temporary specific activities in specialized institutions that are accredited or temporarily authorized in Romania on the grounds of bilateral agreements, especially qualified staff, or to third-country nationals who carry out artistic activities in cultural institutions from Romania. Finally, it is granted to third-country nationals who are bound to carry out temporary activities required by ministries or other entities of the central public or local administration or by autonomous administrative authorities.

The long-stay visa for secondment, marked as D/DT, is granted based on the work permit for seconded workers, issued by the Inspectorate General for Immigration from the Romanian Ministry of Internal Affairs in accordance with legal provisions. The application for this type of visa can be lodged within 60 days from the date when the work permit is issued. The decision on the visa application is taken by the National Visa Center from the Romanian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, within 10 days from the date when the visa application is lodged at a diplomatic mission or a consular post of Romania. For the categories of third-country nationals who benefit from the work permit exemption, the decision on the visa application is taken by the Inspectorate General for Immigration from the Romanian Ministry of Internal Affairs, within up to 30 days from the date of receipt of the application, from the diplomatic mission or consular post of Romania where the respective application is lodged. In justified cases, when further scrutiny of the visa application is needed, the term specified above may be extended for 15 more days.

Eligibility Criteria for Secondment (Marked D/Dt) Visa

The eligibility criteria for the secondment (marked D/DT) visa in Romania include:

  • Employment: The applicant must have a valid job offer from a legal entity based outside Romania and should be seconded to work with a beneficiary of provided services in Romania.
  • Qualifications: The applicant must possess the required qualifications, skills, and experience to carry out the work in Romania.
  • Work Permit: The applicant must obtain a work permit for seconded workers from the Inspectorate General for Immigration, in accordance with the legal provisions.
  • Authorisation of Secondment: For most categories of third-country nationals, an authorisation of secondment is required, which should be provided by the employer or the legal entity based outside Romania.
  • No Criminal Record: The applicant must not have a criminal record or pose any threat to national security, public order, or public health.
  • Health Insurance: The applicant must have health insurance coverage for the entire period of stay in Romania.
  • Adequate Financial Means: The applicant must have sufficient financial means to support themselves during their stay in Romania, without relying on public funds.
  • No Previous Visa Violations: The applicant must not have violated any visa regulations or overstayed in Romania during their previous visits.

It is important to note that the eligibility criteria for the secondment (marked D/DT) visa may vary depending on the category of third-country nationals and the specific purpose of their stay in Romania.

Application Process for Secondment (Marked D/Dt) Visa

The application process for the secondment (marked D/DT) eVisa in Romania typically involves the following steps:

  • Work Permit: Before applying for a D/DT-type visa, the applicant must first obtain a work permit for seconded workers from the Inspectorate General for Immigration, in accordance with the legal provisions.
  • Gather Required Documents: The applicant should collect all the required documents, including a valid passport, a completed visa application form, a copy of the work permit, and other supporting documents, such as authorisation of secondment, employment contract, qualifications, health insurance, and financial means.
  • Online Application: The applicant should complete and submit the visa application form online on the website. The applicant should pay the visa application fee, which may vary depending on the category of third-country nationals and the duration of stay.
  • Schedule an Appointment: After submitting the online application, the applicant should schedule an appointment for an interview or biometric data collection at a Romanian diplomatic mission or consular post in their country of residence.
  • Attend the Interview: The applicant should attend the interview or biometric data collection appointment, where they may be asked to provide additional information or clarifications about their application. The applicant should also submit the required documents and pay the visa processing fee.
  • Visa Decision: The National Visa Center from the Romanian Ministry of Foreign Affairs or the Inspectorate General for Immigration from the Romanian Ministry of Internal Affairs will make a decision on the visa application within 10 or up to 30 days from the date of receipt of the application, depending on the category of third-country nationals. In some cases, the visa processing time may be extended for further scrutiny.
  • Visa Collection: If the visa is approved, the applicant should collect the visa from the Romanian diplomatic mission or consular post where they submitted their application. The applicant should also check the visa validity, duration of stay, and conditions of the visa, and comply with all the visa regulations during their stay in Romania.

Duration and Validity of Secondment (Marked D/Dt) Visa

The duration and validity of the secondment (marked D/DT) visa in Romania may vary depending on the category of third-country nationals and the purpose of their stay. Generally, the maximum duration of stay on a D/DT-type visa is 180 days, but it may be extended for another 180 days upon request, if the work permit and other legal conditions are met.

Here are some general guidelines for the duration and validity of the secondment (marked D/DT) visa:

  • For third-country nationals who are seconded by legal persons located in the EU, EEA or Switzerland, the D/DT-type visa is granted for the duration of the work permit, but not exceeding 1 year.
  • For third-country nationals who carry out didactic, scientific, artistic or other temporary specific activities in accredited institutions or authorized entities, the D/DT-type visa may be granted for a maximum of 1 year.
  • For third-country nationals who are bound to carry out temporary activities required by ministries or other entities of the central or local administration, the D/DT-type visa may be granted for a maximum of 6 months, with the possibility of extension for another 6 months.

It's important to note that the validity of the D/DT-type visa does not guarantee the right of entry or stay in Romania, and the visa holder should comply with all the visa regulations and conditions during their stay in Romania.

Renewal and Extension of Secondment (Marked D/Dt) Visa

The renewal and extension of the secondment (marked D/DT) visa in Romania is possible under certain conditions. The process may differ depending on the category of the third-country national and the purpose of their stay.<.

Here are some general guidelines for the renewal and extension of the secondment (marked D/DT) visa:

  • For third-country nationals who are seconded by legal persons located in the EU, EEA, or Switzerland, the D/DT-type visa may be renewed for the duration of the work permit, but not exceeding 1 year. The renewal process should be initiated before the expiration of the D/DT-type visa, and it requires the submission of the updated work permit and other required documents.
  • For third-country nationals who carry out didactic, scientific, artistic or other temporary specific activities in accredited institutions or authorized entities, the D/DT-type visa may be extended for another 1 year upon request, provided that the purpose of their stay remains valid, and they meet the legal conditions.
  • For third-country nationals who are bound to carry out temporary activities required by ministries or other entities of the central or local administration, the D/DT-type visa may be extended for another 6 months upon request, with the possibility of further extension for another 6 months, provided that the legal conditions are met.

To initiate the renewal or extension process, the D/DT-type visa holder should submit a new application for a D/DT-type visa, along with the updated work permit and other required documents, at a diplomatic mission or a consular post of Romania. The decision on the renewal or extension of the D/DT-type visa is taken by the National Visa Center or the Inspectorate General for Immigration, depending on the category of the third-country national, within the specified time frame.

Rights and Obligations of Holders of Secondment (Marked D/Dt) Visa

As holders of the secondment (marked D/Dt) visa, third-country nationals have certain rights and obligations in Romania. Here are some of the key ones:


  • Work rights: Holders of the D/Dt-type visa have the right to work in Romania, as long as they comply with the conditions of their work permit and the visa.
  • Residence rights: Holders of the D/Dt-type visa have the right to reside in Romania for the duration of their visa.
  • Access to healthcare: Holders of the D/Dt-type visa have access to emergency medical care, and may also be eligible for some non-emergency medical care.
  • Access to education: Holders of the D/Dt-type visa may enroll in education and training programs in Romania.
  • Travel: Holders of the D/Dt-type visa may travel within Romania and other Schengen member states during the validity period of their visa.


  • Comply with the conditions of the visa: Holders of the D/Dt-type visa must comply with the conditions of their visa and work permit.
  • Comply with Romanian laws: Holders of the D/Dt-type visa must comply with all Romanian laws and regulations, including those related to employment, taxation, and immigration.
  • Notify authorities of any changes: Holders of the D/Dt-type visa must notify the Inspectorate General for Immigration of any changes to their employment status or personal circumstances, such as a change of employer or address.
  • Report to authorities: Holders of the D/Dt-type visa may be required to report to the Inspectorate General for Immigration at specified intervals.
  • Exit Romania on time: Holders of the D/Dt-type visa must leave Romania before the expiry of their visa or obtain a renewal or extension of their visa.

Frequently asked questions about the Romanian eVisa

The purpose of this visa is to allow third-country nationals who are employed by legal persons with a registered office abroad to work in Romania for a limited period.

Third-country nationals who are employed by legal persons with a registered office abroad may be eligible for this visa.

Yes, third-country nationals must have a work permit for seconded workers to apply for this visa.

This visa is valid for up to 180 days within a 12-month period.

Yes, this visa may be renewed or extended under certain conditions.

The decision on a visa application is usually taken within 10 days from the date when the visa application is lodged at a diplomatic mission or a consular post of Romania.

Visa holders have the right to work and reside in Romania, access healthcare and education, and travel within Romania and other Schengen member states.

Visa holders must comply with Romanian laws and regulations, including those related to employment and taxation. They must also respect the rights of others and maintain public order and security.

Apply eVisa